Wednesday, May 6, 2009


So I have to write a paper for my Asian Philosophy class by tomorrow evening. I'm still not sure what the topic will be, or how I'm going to write it.


I love my class but I hate writing papers. I'm pretty decent with English, but I haven't really written a paper for quite a few years. And I've never written a philosophy paper. Bah.


Maybe I could convince my instructor that I'm doing my paper by not-doing it. Thanks Lao Tzu!

The Zen of Blogging

So I hardly ever blog, but I figured I'd give this a shot anyway. I usually start and I'll just let it sit idle for ever. We'll see how this goes.

Anyway, I'm a less-than-practicing Buddhist. I've recently gotten into cooking, and I've been slowly moving away from meat. Not of my own accord, per se, but I feel a lot better about it. A catalyst was this website VeganYumYum. Great food, and easy-to-follow directions. Which is great for people like me who are culinarily impaired.

So we'll see where this takes me. Happy journey. And no Steve Perry.